15 April 2010

1/100 RB-79 Mobile Pod Ball 'Ver. Ka'

As promised, photos of the 1/100 MG Ball, which was codenamed 'two-face' for one particular reason!

Can you tell already? If not, here's another hint

You might notice, that I painted only half of the exterior.

Because it's the Clear Parts campaign version!

I always wanted to paint/build a model like that, and the 1/100 MG Ball was the only Gunpla from the clear parts campaign which featured plenty enough clear parts to accomplish this.
In fact, the Ball has an additional A-Plate (which is clear,... obviously), featuring all parts for the hull of the mainbody.
While removing the masking tape after painting, I was pleased with the results, however - I masked the wrong half on one part (and I first noticed this while assembling the Ball).

And I wasn't able to apply the masking tape at the exact middle of all parts, resulting in some minor inconsistencies.

Also painted the innerframe of course - but sadly, alot of detail got overshadowed by the clear parts and the chrome painted grid.

Besides the clear parts, I installed 3 LEDs (one white and two green), illuminating the cockpit and the side,... windows I suppose.
However, the base isn't finished yet - I gotta find some way to hide the batteries and switch inside the display base.
(And need to practice painting the 1/100 scale figures)

Apart from this and the falsely masked part, I'm satisfied with my work

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