23 February 2010

HGUC Gelgoog Marine - finished!

Sorry if you expected any action poses - as mentioned in my last post, it'll just be standing around, collecting dust (well, I weathered it to have a dusty look to begin with)

However - a 25 second video of my HGUC Gelgoog Marine on a turntable - so you can see it from every angle - enjoy

Music: 'Distorted reality'by zero-project

22 February 2010

HGUC Gelgoog Marine

Not really a WIP

I'm finally into modelling again, so I didn't really take photos during assembly/painting - however, I might should have slowed down a bit.

Anyways - the HGUC Gelgoog Marine kit is the 16th HGUC kit - it's old, lack in posability, no ABS for the joint parts and such. Since I will have it just standing, lack is posability isn't really a disadvantage in my opinion - however, the peg to connect the upper leg with the knee joint is loose - this means, the lower leg is falling off all the time!

The HGUC Gelgoog Marine also has a lot of tiny parts - like some thrusters on the backpack, not bigger than about 4mm in diameter! You better don't drop such parts!

Well - I painted my Gelgoog. Instead of the original gray and green color scheme, I sticked with a darkgraygreen/darkgreen color scheme, and some gray parts for joints, thrusters etc.

I painted all green parts first, and masked them later to paint the gray areas (mainly thrusters), but after I removed the masking tape, it seemed that the green colors didn't completly dry - as a result, some paint came off, espacially on the rear.
Due the dark Color scheme of the inital color and the applied paint, I find it hard to spot the locations where the color came off - however, knowing that there are those certain spots is kinda disturbing.

Trivia: According to the manual, the 'Marine' from it's name is NOT English - instead, according to the katakana and therefore the official reading (in my opinion) - it's 'mariine' in roumaji - I find it to sound like the German word 'Marine' (It still means the same, just the way to pronounce the name is different) - like the Dom Tropen and Kaempfer, it's again some German MS name.

Can you see them? (should be 2):
(click image to see the solution)

I'll try to cover those spots with some weathering, after I applied a coat of flat clear to eliminate the shininess and to secure the decals.

What's the next model going to be, after the Gelgoog Marine is finished? My Zaku? Unicorn Gundam? GN-X (yes, I have it by now)? Let's wait and see!

17 February 2010

Even more sale!

So many models to get,.... this kinda sucks.

Anyways, HLJ launchend Part 2 of their 'Great Gunpla Sale', again, it features alot of MG and HG models - check them out!
Well, for Part 2, my personal highlights are as following:

15 February 2010

A lot of Sale

Currently, HLJ seems to want to get rid of some PlaMo and GunPla

Last Friday, they started a 'Mondo Macross Sale!'. They also have some models from Macross Frontier, including the Ozma Custom with 35% off (R10 'just' offers 20% discount).
Well, I ordered this one on Friday - Anyways, today HLJ started a 'Special GunPla Sale!' - Featuring (more or less) alot HG and MG kits!
There are, in my Opinion, quiet some highlights, for example the
To bad I ordered the Ozma VF-25 Valkyrie last friday - otherwise, I'd have bought the Gelgoog.

Anyways, I'm happy starting next week, I'll have some time again to paint my models. A lot of my models are completed despite the fact, that they aren't painted - and another bunch of models I only assembled, but didn't work on, since I have many others to complete first.

09 February 2010

Damn many Zaku and Gelgoog to get!

As a fan of Zeon MS, I made myself a little picture with (almost) all Zaku and Gelgoog.

I counted 36 Suits - (27 Zaku and 9 Gelgoog)
I left a few variations out - therefore, the real number should be somewhere between 40 and 50 - if not more.

(click image to enlarg)

The arrows I made are based on my opinion how the Zaku and Gelgoog are related - by far not official.

I have 4 Suits in my collection so far (name (row:number))
  • MS-05B Zaku I (Topp Custom 1:2)
  • MS-o6F ZakuII (2:3)
  • MS-06K Zaku Cannon (4:3)
  • MS-06F Zaku Minelayer (1:7)
Today, I ordered a Turntable and a HGUC Gelgoge Marine(5:3) from R10
Which means that a) I have somewhat 5 Suits from the graph, and b) the pro-argument to purchase the MG Gelgoog 2.0 as the last zeon MS for my MG Zeon shelf, that I don't have a Gelgoog yet, became obsolete.

'Wait, why is the Gelgoog on an Zaku graph?!'
If you look at 3:5, you can see the MS-06RP (not to be confused with 2:8 'R2P', not to be confused with 2:7 'R2').
Later, an MSV was released named 'MS-06R-3', (3:6), which is a successor of the RP and already features some design elements from the Gelgoog. Therefore - in my opinion - the YMS-14 Gelgoog prototype was based on the MS-06R-3. Accordingly, the Gelgoog is somewhat a Zaku (again, this is my personal opinion).


I made a, in my opinion, more clean looking graph and changed the coordinates accordingly

08 February 2010

Gelgoog 2.0 + boredom

Well, I'll cancel the MG Gouf Custom (clear parts campaign ver.) preorder due some lame reason:
My shelf for Zeon MasterGrade Models is almost full - there is only space for one more model, and I have to decide what model to get.

I have the choice between an MG Dom, MG J. Ridden Zaku 2.0 and Gelgoog 2.0 - at least currently, I'm going to get the Gelgoog 2.0 (probably the Char Aznable one with clear parts) since I don't have any Gelgoog model yet. (Many Zakus and one HG Dom Tropen)

What I like about the Gelgoog are the, although in my opinion useless, thrusters on the arms, the head, the height, and it's more angled design compared to the other Zeon MS.

Also I noticed that Proto Man (or Blues in Japan) has a Gelgoog Shield! OMG!

Out of boredom - how would the Gelgoog look like, with Proto Man colors?

Looks quiet 'retro-ish'
But well,... I'm not that into Mega Man, therefore I'll probably stick with the ordinary green colorscheme. (Although I'm getting the Char Aznable Gelgoog - just for the clear parts)