09 February 2010

Damn many Zaku and Gelgoog to get!

As a fan of Zeon MS, I made myself a little picture with (almost) all Zaku and Gelgoog.

I counted 36 Suits - (27 Zaku and 9 Gelgoog)
I left a few variations out - therefore, the real number should be somewhere between 40 and 50 - if not more.

(click image to enlarg)

The arrows I made are based on my opinion how the Zaku and Gelgoog are related - by far not official.

I have 4 Suits in my collection so far (name (row:number))
  • MS-05B Zaku I (Topp Custom 1:2)
  • MS-o6F ZakuII (2:3)
  • MS-06K Zaku Cannon (4:3)
  • MS-06F Zaku Minelayer (1:7)
Today, I ordered a Turntable and a HGUC Gelgoge Marine(5:3) from R10
Which means that a) I have somewhat 5 Suits from the graph, and b) the pro-argument to purchase the MG Gelgoog 2.0 as the last zeon MS for my MG Zeon shelf, that I don't have a Gelgoog yet, became obsolete.

'Wait, why is the Gelgoog on an Zaku graph?!'
If you look at 3:5, you can see the MS-06RP (not to be confused with 2:8 'R2P', not to be confused with 2:7 'R2').
Later, an MSV was released named 'MS-06R-3', (3:6), which is a successor of the RP and already features some design elements from the Gelgoog. Therefore - in my opinion - the YMS-14 Gelgoog prototype was based on the MS-06R-3. Accordingly, the Gelgoog is somewhat a Zaku (again, this is my personal opinion).


I made a, in my opinion, more clean looking graph and changed the coordinates accordingly

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