03 April 2010

HGUC ZakuII display base

Returning to Earth after 2 spaceborn Suits

Have been working a long time on my HGUC Zaku II (recently finished painting it), and I'm about to weather the Zaku and mount it onto the display base.
After my Hi-v Gundam, I decided to do again some more dynamic posing for the Zaku, but first of all, I had to build myself a base for it.

Again, I used a base which was included with an HG00 Gadessa kit and such, like I did with my HGUC Geara Doga.
Instead of puttying the holes, I clued a piece of 0,3mm Plaplate on top of it and cut the excess styrene using a design knife.
Afterwards, painted it with a gloss brown acrylic color (the same brown color I used for my old HGUC Dom Tropen) in order to emulate a wooden look - looks quiet good in my opinion.
Anyways, masked the edges of the base, used some spray clue (or how to call this) and applied artificial gras on top of it.
Well, since I will permanently fix the Zaku to the display base, I want to have some footprint-effect aswell. How do I do that?

For my attempt, I'll be using the Zaku foot of course, some plastic wrap, epoxy putty, the display base, some water and of course some tools for sculpting.

First, take some epoxy putty and make yourself a 'sausage'. Once the sausage is completed, thake the foot, wrap it in the plastic wrap, apply the epoxy sausage on the edge of the foot, which should be seperated from the putty with a layer of plastic wrap of course, and push it onto the ground.

Now you can sculpt the putty carefully, but I don't recommend taking the plasticwrap off the epoxy now, until it fully hardened.
Epoxy Putty is quiet sticky and can be difficult to sculpt, however, if you wet your tools, the adhesion of the putty will be eliminated, allowing far easier sculpting.

If you're satisfied with you work, you have to leave the putty to harden for several hours - I will take a break until tomorrow.
See you next time!

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