27 January 2010

Red Pack

Last week I got my package from Rainbow ten - it was 3times more exciting to crack the box open than a regular package!

Lightning Base (red)
Action Base 2 (sparkle clear red)
HGUC Unicorn Gundam (red destroy mode)

Well, already built the Unicorn Gundam - thanks to the red Psycho Frame, it has alot of parts and can take some time to snap together - and looks damn nice.
The V-Fin is just orange, and therefore the back of the v-fin has to be painted white to be accurate (no stickers included)
Those shoulder thingies are all red, but should be white at the top(circled green) - stickers for those are included.

All in all, due the large amount of parts, I might just put some clear topcoat on it, after I painted those 2 mentioned areas with white.

Stay tuned for a review on the posability and the gimmicks of the HGUC Unicorn Gundam!

HGUC Unicorn Gundam Unicorn Mode is already on his way, and a hell lot of other MS from Gundam Unicorn are on the horizon - like the Commander ReZEL and Loto

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