20 January 2010

MG GN-X Box Art / ジンクス

Although a little bit late, Bandai released the BoxArt for the upcomming 1/100 MG GN-X (January 28th release)

just a little bit of pink
source: Bandai Hobby Site

Although I'm really looking forward to the GN-X, it's boxart is,... well,... by far not as good as the MG Gouf 2.0, MG Guntank and G-3 2.0.
Basically, it's just 4 GN-X in front of an explosion, fighting against (I suppose) Celestial Being (not in picture)
If you look at the 4 GN-X, you can see all 3 included weapons - Beam Sabre (centre), Beam Rifle (top and bottom left) and Long-Barrel Beam Rifle (right).
We'll see how the GN-X will compete against his 1/144 HG counterpart in mid february.

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