22 December 2009

1/100 NG Seravee - The model and the 'Designer Color' features.

Although I have still a ZakuII to do, and my GN-Archer mod, I'm currently focusing on the Seravee.

The Seravee comes in a larger sized Gunpla Box. It's size can be compared with the MG Exia Repair(Ignition Mode), Zaku Cannon and such.
It has a lot of parts and was really fun to build!

(The runners and the box)

You also get 2 LED units (the same as the 1/100 NG OO-Gundam has), a sheet of marking seals and stickers.
The seals are the same as those which can be bought seperately, but unfortunately, those seals included are neither waterslide decals nor dry-transfer. The stickers included are the same as included with the regual 1/100 NG Seravee with 2 slight differences.
  1. No hologram-effect stickers for the eyes
  2. the stickers for the GN-Condenser has markings on them, unlike the regular one, which only are plain dark-green circles
The LED units are all green and the light-up effects are achieved with clear parts and clear PolyCaps.

(Head with activated light but not colored or temporarily painted)

The LED for the head is stored inside the chest, and the light of the LED gets redirected to the head, using a clear piece for the neck and polycap.

The LED for the backpack is stored in the Back of the Seraphim - the cover can be removed and secured with a locking mechanism.

Face Burst Mode!

Although I like the LED-effects, I don't like the green color.
I might use orange LED's (Tau drive 4tw) later on.

The LED's currently used are from my OO-Gundam - the LED's enclosed with the Seravee are still packed, like on the picture above.

So far the Seravee - see you next time.

Random thoughts:
  • If the center of the V-Fin would have been clear, you might easily light up the Seravee's head-jewel.
  • The Beam-Sabres stored at the wrist can also be used like the Unicorn Gundams, as a katara.
P.S.: If you would like to have a detailed review on the original 1/100 Seravee, I recommend rrobbert184's Review on Youtube.

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