After collecting quiet some gunpla, i decided to (try to) make a diorama and 'destroy' some cheap gunpla for experimental use.
Since i didn't have any GM by then, i wanted to buy 2 of my favorit GM's, which is the RGM-79 groundtype GM, as seen in the Gundam OVA 'The 08th MS Team'
These HG GM-kit is old (1996), and I can say, you'll notice it plenty of times.
Now, let's take a look what's inside!
As you can see, you'll have 4 runners + 1 polycap runner, with 3 (or 4) colors ('white', orange, gray and those beamsabres(more of them later))
You'll also have 2 sheets of seals, one contains it's sensor unit. Later HG (and of course MG) GM kit's don't use a sticker for the sensor, instead, the sensor's are clear parts. After building my GM, i said to myself 'not bad, but could be better'. The next morning i said 'what the hell?'. Those Sensors want to fall of quickly, i strongly recommend reinforcing it with additional clue, or paint this sensor to beginn with (if you are able to get somehow on metallic green color).
Speaking of painting the sensor, you'll have to paint the camera (those things at the ends of this mohawk)

As usual, your HG GM will only be articulated with polycaps. But for some reason, there are balljointed hands on the polycap runner. Besides the back of the hand being black (which should be white), there's one main reason why you can't use them... because you are forced to use those pole-jointed hands instead, limiting it's articulation by far!
should you've find a way to use a balljointed hand, and painted it's back, you should use the remaining white to paint the Beamsabres.
Instead having an effect part for the beam, and a white part for the sabre itself, you only have one clear pink part.
After the GM being finished, you'll notice some other, disturbing aspects.
Of course, there is this lack of color. You'll need to paint it, in order to look at least a bit good. Also, this little gap between two parts can be a pain in the ass, if you paint this model afterwards (remember, one of this models was to destroy, and you'll a bit of it afterwards)
The Cockpit is just the upperpart of the pilot seat. If you're looking forward to show of the GM's cockpit, you'll need to use the MG kit.
Additionally, equiping the Bazooka is almost impossible, if you want your GM firing or at least aiming with that thing. Good thing that you have a 6-tube Misslelauncher as well. I go with this misslelauncher, it's easier to perform poses with it.
Last, but not least, the GMs posability could be much better. The Ellbow can only bent by 100°, no full bent at the legs, The skirtarmor for frontleft and frontright is one part, so if one the left leg steps forward, the armor for the right leg will imitate the position of left leg's skirt armor.
But the worst: you can't make a kneeling pose with the GM! The frontskirtarmor collides with the lower torso.
After I painted my GM a bit you'll notice on the right, that those gaps between 2 parts can easily destroy it's look, unless you want to use it as a panel line.

now, it looks alot better than being unpainted, isn't it?
If you want to make a real good looking HG GM, i advise to paint all the interiors of the panels with a gray color. This improves your result well.
I also tried a littlebit of weathering with RealTouch GundamMarker
If all this Airbrush equipment wouldn't be that expansive, because with an airbrush, you can do much better weathering (if skilled).
I'll still gonna practice a bit with my gundam marker.
p.s.: excuse my crappy English today, i don't know why it sucks even more >_< (and i'm to lazy to correct mistakes,... erm,... i mean, to look for these mistakes)